It has been a while since I read book that really makes my imagination running wild. Not that other books not good. But probably because most that I read is about murder and supernatural world. So, it’s kinda making me depressed. But I read them anyway.
The title of the book is : A Darker Shade of Magic. Is about Kell, traveller to the parallel world , in this book there are four London. Yeah people! Four London. There is Red London where Kell live with his “foster” parents; the royal family of Red London. He is very close with the prince of Red London :Rhy and willing to give his life for his safety. There was Black London, but it seems the city dead already. Another one is totally dangerous White London with its ruthless people. The dangerous and vicious twin: Athos and Astrid. They never hesitate to kill everyone that stands in their way. The last one is Grey London, the London that we knew where people speak English.
Kell is an Antari - those who born with magic in their blood. There are only two Antari, Kell and Holland. Antari are the only people who can travel in the parallel world. If Kell treated (or at least he felt that way) like something valuable and interesting, Holland was being controlled by King Athos and and Queen Astrid. During his travelling, Kell like to collect objects and he finally got something dangerous that will endangered so many people. He decided to send the dangerous object back to Black London but is not an easy task. He has to deal with the twin and not to mention Holland. But he met thief and pickpocket : Delila Bard. First she robbed him but in the end she save his life. And she insist to accompany Kell on his dangerous task. She was proven a loyal friend to Kell and save him over and over again.