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Selasa, 20 Februari 2024

Go To Bandung With Argo Parahyangan

Gambir station

Last year, near the celebration of the coming year 2024, I took my mom to Bandung. If you were asking why Bandung again; well, since I brought my mother I wasn't mentally ready to explore new places in other cities. Not to mention, everything is expensive during the holiday season so Bandung is always going to be my first choice. 

Platform Gambir train station

I bought ticket of Argo Parahyangan to go to Bandung on 30th of December 2023. And when we arrived at Gambir station, already so many people there. And unlike our previous departure, this time no staffs on duty helping me with my mom's wheelchair. All of them were busy with other passengers, so I push the wheelchair by myself and get ready for ticket checking.

Since the previous trip we were sort of almost miss the train. The schedule was on 06.30 AM but the train entered the station around 06.25 AM. You can imagine how panicked my mom and me. She can't walk fast let alone run to aboard the train. So, I was a bit worried this time the same thing would happened. But thankfully, the train arrived earlier and there was an officer in charge ready to help. 


Previously we need to create boarding pass to enter the platform. If we are using the Indonesian Train's  apps, then we only need to create e-boarding pass and show it to the officer in charge. 

However, now we can choose another option and that is FACE RECOGNITION. Face Recognition is a facial scanning feature used to identify and authenticate a person's identity. Passengers are required to have their faces scanned so that their biometric data can be used and integrated with their train tickets. Therefore, passengers need to registered their identity in order to go through the face recognition process. I'm not sure if this procedure can be used by foreign tourists, though.

Many complaints about this procedure, as they are worried about breaching of personal data. Plus, the officers in charge seems reluctant to assist passengers with manual boarding pass. FYI, if you boarding from Gambir station then there will be separate gates for those using manual boarding pass and those registered to us Facial Recognition. 

Well, we are still have to create e-boarding pass, as we probably going to need it on board. Sometimes other passengers sit on our seats because they mistakenly enter the wrong railroad car. If you have the e-boarding pass then we at the least have written proof that this is our seat. Or probably theirs, we wouldn't know whose fault , right?

As for me, I find Face Recognition process help me to get through the gate sooner. Especially since I have to push my mom's wheelchair before passing the gate. While doing that, we only need to get our face scanned, and that's it. 


Considering that as for now only 2 train stations that I know have access to wheelchair users, I rarely choose other cities for traveling with my mom. In short, I was lazy to browse finding information in such a short time. Anyway, those helpful stations are Gambir and Bandung train station. Gambir's has available lift while Bandung's has travelator.

Though now many public places train stations have available wheelchairs for us to use, I prefer to bring my own. I prefer our own wheelchairs out of habit during pandemic. My mom still able to walk a little bit, but not for using escalator let alone stairs. 


So far, I have finally learn that the nearest seat with restroom is the exact priority seat. This seat is for elderly, disable people, pregnant woman and people with baby. 

But this is priority seat on Argo Parahyangan's train. I will try to find out priority seats on others train for domestic traveling.

If we choose to sit here, there is this area to place the wheelchairs. I usually buy the ticket through apps of Kereta Api Indonesia to choose the seat's number and railroad car. 


Since I can't bring handbags (contain snacks from Bandung) while handling my mom's wheelchair, I decided to use porter's assistance. I realized I am now JOMPO (or in English: decrepit) and can't handle everything by my own, therefore I need their help.

Their fee? They usually will tell you that they receive any reasonable amount. Just make sure that you really give them reasonable amount. 

So, other than Bandung, is there any other train station that has access for wheelchair users?

10 komentar:

  1. Bandung memang jadi salah satu kota terbaik untuk dikunjungi saat musim liburan, apalagi kereta api Argo Parahyangan menuju Bandung , fasilitasnya mumpuni serta ramah untuk lansia. Sejauh ini setauku yang menyediakan kursi roda stasiun Gambir. Untuk KRL antar kota lain nya belum pernah cari tau, semoga saja tersedia ya supaya saat mau ajak orangtua liburan ga worry dan lebih dimudahkan dalam proses perjalanan naik kereta.

    1. Kl kursi roda sih saya sudah siap bawa sendiri. Yg penting ada lift atau travelator deh yang memudahkan untuk yang menggunakan kursi roda. Apalagi kl ada yang bantuin, lebih lega lagi sayah. Amin, semoga aksesnya memang banyak tersedia di banyak tempat

  2. Naik Argo Parahyangan adalah salah satu cara ke Bandung yang asik dan legend. Karena dari jaman dulu suka naik ini apalagi zaman kuliah dulu. Stasiun Bandung juga sudah banyak berubah, ikut perkembangan zaman, jadi makin keren dan mudah

  3. Liburan ke Bandung pas akhir tahun wow banget donk mbaa disana ....
    Memang kalo pergi orangtua dengan kursi roda itu perlu well prepared banget segala sesuatunya biar perjalanan tetap lancar dan tanpa kedala
    Semoga semakin banyak area dan transportasi publik yang memperhatikan fasilitas disabilitas sehingga memudahkan semua kalangan

  4. How much does the ticket cost? Traveling with mom or family member will always happy, right? BTW I want to go to Bandung, too.

  5. Bandung is always the best... Pernah liburan kesana, cuma naik bisa waktu itu... Karena aku tipe orang yang nggak mau ribet. Jadi maunya naik bis, terus tahu-tahu sampe. Pernah kepikiran buat naik kereta. Tapi dari tempatku nggak ada kereta yang bisa langsung kesana. Jadi harus pindah kereta beberapa kali smpe Jakarta...

    Argo Parahyangan emang terkenal banget sih... Jarang banget naik kereta. Terakhir naik MRT, dan itu vibesnya kaya di uar karena modern.. hehe

  6. So I am Mba. For several years, when I go to the mountain, I always use a mountain guide, and a porter helps bring my stuff. When I travel to the city, I never use a backpack; I mostly use a suitcase to save my back.

  7. Iya ya Mbak bepergian dengan orang yang menggunakan kursi roda harus diperhatikan banget bagaimana cara akses naik turun kendaraan, fasilitasnya ada tidak untuk pengguna wheel chair biar perjalanan lebih nyaman

  8. Argo Parahyangan has a good schedule for businessmen who frequently commute back and forth between Bandung and Jakarta, and vice versa.
    And I learnt that it now uses face recognition, which is a hassle. When the time is tight, it makes so panic badly.

  9. salah satu transportasi yang nyaman menururtku sih emang kereta api. selain paling luas diantara moda transportasi lain, sekarang sudah rapi bersih dan bisa menikmati berbagai keindahan melalui pemandangan yang ada diluar jendela. Menyenangkan banget sih


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