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Jumat, 03 November 2023

Must-Buy Black Friday Workout Sets are Here

Working out should be on your priority list because it's all about focusing on your physical and mental health. Many people go to the gym to lose weight only, but in reality, it's the ultimate way of staying in the best shape. In fact, it's a helpful way of releasing negative energy, so your mental health stays on top as well. 

Having said that, if you like working out regularly, purchasing the right sets is important so you can hit the gym in style. Cosmolle will soon have a Black Friday activewear sale that you can gain maximum advantage from. So, let's check out a few nice options!

Bra and Shorts Ribbed Seamless Activewear Set

There is nothing more comfortable and flexible than a bra and shorts set, and this one in tie-dye design has caught our attention. The set is designed to offer tummy control, so you won't have to worry about the bulging belly. In addition, the shorts are designed with a butt-lifting effect, making you look amazing.

The set has a shockproof effect, making it suitable for intense workout sessions. As far as the bra is concerned, it has a pushup effect, which helps support the breasts. Not to forget, there are wider shoulder straps that help with the distribution of pressure and increase support. 

Check the product here

Premium Seamless Ribbed Short Set

If you want a pretty workout set that you can wear for yoga or high-intensity workout sessions, this hot pink one is the right choice. It’s made from a seamless and eco-friendly fabric, which is extremely comfortable (it almost feels like second skin). The set also has lifting and sculpting features, making your body look hot. 

The set doesn’t have any camel toe and front seam, so you won’t be irritated. In fact, there is a V detail on the back, which helps accentuate the curves like nothing else. Not to forget, the four-way stretch fabric will keep you moving flexibly.

Check the product here

Seamless Crop Tank & Legging Set - Chestnut Brown

If you are looking for high waisted workout leggings but don’t want a mismatched look, we recommend opting for this set. That’s because it comes with a matching support bra. The leggings have been designed with glute and leg panels, which helps create a contoured look for your legs. 

On the other hand, the support bra has a thick hemline, which looks amazing and maximizes support for breasts. Also, the wide shoulder straps help distribute the weight. 

Check the product here

AirWear Long Sleeve & High-Waist Legging Set

A legging set with a matching long-sleeve top is something everyone wants for their workout sessions, and this set will fulfill all those wishes. As the name suggests, the leggings have a high-waisted design, which makes the waist appear slimmer. On the other hand, the top has long sleeves, which are integrated with thumbholes – they keep the sleeves in place. Also, the support bra maximizes coverage and support for breasts, so it’s everything you will ever need! 

Check the product here

15 komentar:

  1. pakaian buat olahraga
    tapi buat wanita
    kalau cowok jelas bukan ini target pasarnya

  2. I also wants to workout again, maybe around this November or in the middle of December. Yes, I Agree. Its the best way to stay shape and also calming you down when your mental was so down.

    But cause i'm using cheap gym (around 150 - 200k), there's almost no woman. Only bapack bapack and satpam. Hahahaha

  3. I just checked and even I just see it through pictures, I completely sure they have best quality products.

    Next wext is black Friday. Just imagine people will spend money to buy their dream items. I just compare myself when the promo day arrives, I will shop for several items that have only been stored in the "basket" whwhw

  4. Number one is my favorite. I prefer short ribbed because i hate long legging, it's make sultry.

  5. Those sportwear are so cute. Do the sell big size sportwear, too?

    It's fun to do exercise with a new sportwear.

  6. When talking about sports, you have to wear clothes that are as comfortable as possible so that your body feels good, so focus on that.

  7. Suka banget yg tie dye 😍. Kalo utk baju workout aku LBH suka yg pendek begitu mba, biar ga makin panas. Kec kalo workout ya di gym. Baru deh yg panjang utk celananya . Tapi Krn badanku tipe susah cari baju workout gini, suka kegedean. Makanya prefer cari offline drpd online. Biar bisa ngukur langsung. Kdg yaa walo udh diksh size, ttp aja pas DTG seringnya gede 🤣. Memang badanku yg undersize sih 😅

  8. I love the color, all my favorite colors, all fabrics look comfortable. They said if the product is made from eco-friendly material and highly pleased, definitely I want it.

  9. It is very interesting and beautiful that this shapewear can shape a woman's body to perfection.
    I want to have the best one especially when I'm utilising Black Friday to shop active wear.

  10. Dari sisi warna dan desain aku suka banget sama Chestnut Brown buat workout, tinggal di padankan manset dan hijab olahraga, pasti makin nyaman banget. Warna nya pun sangat netral, yang terakhir pun suka karena sudah panjang semua baik atasan maupun bawahannya

  11. Eco-friendly fabric is what i'm looking for. We need to give more concern to what we wear and it includes the fabric as well

  12. Kostum tuk exercise atau olahraga apapun memang gak bs sembarangan y. Baik dari segi bahan maupun bentuk. Supaya gerakan bisa maksimal & nyaman

  13. Suka banget setelan paling bawah, atasan dan legging sepertinya bahannya nyaman untuk berolahraga yaa dan tidak gatal-gatal kena kulit..modis pula dikenakan..

  14. Nyama banget nih digunakan saat oahraga atau work out di rumah. So mumpung ada momen black friday jangan sampai terlewatkan ya biar dapat diskon dan belanja jadi lebih hemat.

  15. Desain dan warnanya cakep-cakep. Ada promonya juga ya. Baju buat work out sebenarnya lebih suka yang pendek dan simpel. Tapi kadang juga kudu pakai yang tertutup semua.


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