Blog berisi curhatan si lajang

Senin, 20 Februari 2023



When I received a one-night stay gift at House of Manna, I immediately looked up more details on its exact location and what transportation I should use to get there. I also checked out where to dine in , whether the location is near or a bit far and need another transportation. But, it seems I need not to worry about where to eat while staying there. So, back to the transportation again. 

By the way, this post related to two previous posts in Indonesian:

House of Manna the review

Culinary Sekitar House of Manna


I was hesitant about whether to simply book a taxi and go straight from home to House of Manna, or take a slightly more complicated route by taking a taxi from home to the Bundaran HI MRT station, and then continuing with another taxi to get to the accommodation. I was still considering both options until the day of departure when it started raining.

Screenshot from MRT Jakarta's site - MRT STATIONS

So, my plan to have some fun by taking the MRT to the accommodation seems out of the question. I decided to use IN Drive instead as its fare fit my budget. However, we encountered a traffic jam due to the rain, and I ended up arriving at the accommodation at 3 PM instead of the check-in time of 2 PM. But, I have informed them that I would be arriving late, due to traffic jam. So, all good. 

Priority entrance/exit

When checking out the next day, the weather was much more friendly than the previous day, so I looked for a taxi to take me and my mom to the Lebak Bulus MRT station.


There are some things to consider when using a wheelchair, such as finding MRT stations with elevators for entry and exit. The fastest way to find this information is to ask the MRT station directly via social media. The response was quick and helpful, and they informed me that the elevator within MRT LEBAK BULUS STATION were located near the entrance/exit B & E. 

Source of photo: MRT Jakarta

I checked the map on the Jakarta MRT website and began to estimate which entrance I should use. It was my lucky day because the driver knew where to drop us off so we could use the elevator immediately.

Even before entering, the cleaning staff were already there to help open the elevator door, seeing that I was struggling to push the wheelchair and lead my mother. Not to mention, I also had a backpack that looked like I was moving out, even though it only had clothes for one night.

Exit B MRT LEBAK BULUS STATION - near the elevator

Inside the MRT station area, we also received assistance from staff. While waiting for me to tap the prepaid card for both of us, the staff immediately helped push the wheelchair to the elevator to get to the MRT station platform.

MRT LEBAK BULUS STATION - the elevator near the area for people with priorities

Once we enter the platform, I noticed that there are also priorities area for people in need like my mom. Again, on the platform, several staff members helped push the wheelchair into the MRT. Inside the MRT, there is a special area for wheelchair users.

Staff on duty ready to help to aboard the MRT

The staff not only helped at the Lebak Bulus MRT Station, but they also contacted their colleagues at the destination station (in this case, the Bundaran HI MRT station) and provided information on which car we were in. So, once we arrived at the destination station, we were greeted by staff who immediately helped push the wheelchair until I tapped to exit.

Area for people using wheelchair

So, for those who are traveling in Jakarta and want to use the MRT, don't worry. You will be assisted by many staff members from entry to exit of the station, as long as you comply with the regulations, such as wearing a mask during the trip.

Elevator near seats and also near entrance/exit door of MRT

I also made reels if you wish to see what it looks like around MRT LEBAK BULUS STATION. So, you will get a glimpse about the MRT Station. 

31 komentar:

  1. Hi Mb Ria, it's warm to read your journey with mom. It's remind me to a journey with my hubby, my mom, and my mom in law several years ago. I don't know why..

    Btw, I appreciated to all of staff who served you and mom when you both went by MRT. When I and my kiddos visited Jakarta last year, I tried to use MRT. That is a worth memory for us.

    1. I'm happy to read that my post gives you something nice to remember. And hopefully this information will be useful to you and your family if you wish to take another trip with MRT

  2. Naik MRT ke manapun tujuan kita, tentu meyenangkan.Apalagi dengan fasilitas dan perlakuan staf terhadap para penumpangnya yang baik sekali. Kursi roda tersedia, lift untuk disabilitas juga ada. Jadi ga khawatr lagi ya naik transportasi umum di zaman sekarang. Yang penting kita patuh terhadap peraturan yang berlaku, jalan2 dengan MRT dapat dinikmati dengan seru deh.

    1. Untuk MRT sejauh ini ok sih fasilitasnya. Tapi saya gak rekomen untuk naik busway sama KRL di jam2 sibuk jika menggunakan kursi roda. Rusuh soalnya...

  3. Bagus ya mbak pelayannya, sigap memberikan bantuan pada penumpang yang berkebutuhan khusus, bahkan sampai mengontak sesama petugas yang ada di stasiun tujuan juga

    1. iya, ini aku gak nyangka loh, makanya surprise juga pas sudah ada petugas yang menyambut ketika sampai di stasiun tujuan.

  4. Yup, i'm agree with you mbak. as a user of MRT services, i'm very happy because really help me if i want to go to South Jakarta and Central Jakarta. And then MRT officers are also friendly and very helpful.

    1. Indeed they are. So far, their service is very satisfying towards MRT passengers.

  5. Keren banget pelayanannya. Semoga aja transportasi umum lainnya juga menganut hal yang sama. Tapi kalau busway, kayaknya bakal susah ya kalau bawa kursi roda. Anyway, sehat-sehat ya untuk Mbak Ria dan juga mama di rumah <3

    1. Makasiiih Rani. Iya, saya sih gak rekomen naik busway atau KRL ya. Mungkin bisa jika di luar jam sibuk. Di akhir pekan terkadang lebih ramai lagi, baik di busway maupun di haltenya.

  6. Aku selalu penasaran buat naik MRT. Maklum, anak kampung yang di daerahnya gak ada gituan. Well kalau naik kendaraan umum, wajib cek rute sih biar gak salah naik atau turun. Jangan malu buat tanya petugas

    1. iyaaaa, lah di negara sendiri, kan enak langsung tanya aja sama para petugas. Dan mereka sigap kok membantu, sejauh ini saya belum pernah ketemu yang ngeselin sih.

  7. Aku termasuk jarang bepergian menggunakan MRT. Lebih sering pakai KRL jadi sebetulnya kurang familiar dengan MRT. Tapi aku merasakan dengan MRT akses ke beberapa tempat jadi lebih mudah

    1. betul, durasi perjalanan yang jadi lebih cepat itu yang super amazing. Jaman dulu mah mana saya mau ke area Lebak Bulus atau Cipete... Skrg naik MRT cuma perlu bbrp menit saja

  8. Very insightful mbak Ria, and really appreciate which give the best served for you and your mother when you both went by MRT. I enjoy all of y our picture here too!

    1. Hopefully this information will be useful to you too

  9. Wah, ser banget travelling with MRT Jakarta
    aku berharap saat main ke Jakarta lagi, aku bisa juga merasakan keseruan travelling dengan MRT ini

    1. Hindari hari2 kerja atau jam2 sibuk. Tapi di akhir pekan, MRT rame juga sih dengan kami2 ini yang mau menghemat waktu perjalanan

  10. Ini aku hampir setiap hari kak...pakai MRT kalau berangkt kerja terbantukan bnget lebih cepat dan hemat waktu dah gitu murah lagi ongkosnya

    1. Wuah, dekat tempat kerja baru mau dibangun stasiun MRT, dan diperkirakan 4-5 tahun lagi baru selesai... kayaknya saya keburu pensiun :))))

  11. Bahagia banget ada MRT di Jakarta.
    Sebagai warga Bandung, aku sangat jatuh cinta dengan pelayanan serta adanya MRT yang harganya terjangkau.

  12. Naik MRT selain menjadi akomodasi transportasi publik juga membantu kita untuk mengurai waktu perjalanan macetnya Jakarta ya. Apalagi kebersihan terjamin dan dibantu maps yang dapat menggambarkan di mana kita akan turun.

  13. Saya belum pernah naik MRT, ngeliat MRT sekarang ini udah bagus ya transportasi Kita. Sepertinya naik MRT itu nyaman dan pelayanannya juga baik.

  14. Aku baru sekali naik MRT itu pun tujuannya jarak pendek hehe. Jd keinget pengen bawa anak2 naik MRT krn belum pernah sama sekali.
    MRT di Jakarta gak kalah dari luar negeri, fasilitasnya udah ok, petugasnya juga cukup sigap. Sayang msh blm menjangkau banyak rute. Moga ntr jalurnya nambah :D

  15. Wah, pelayanannya bagus banget ya Mbak naik MRT. Dari mau masuk sampai mau keluar, semua staff sigap membantu. Kapan yaa aku bisa naik MRT juga. Hehe.

  16. Seru ya keliling Jakarta naik MRT, apalagi kalau pelayanannya bagus, dan fasilitas juga bagus.

  17. MRT Lebak bulus ada ruang baca dan buku .jadi bisa baca sambil nungguin jadwal MRT atau nunggu teman buat janjian pergi bareng di mrt

  18. Untuk saya orang daerah, naik MRT itu wajib banget! Atas nama kenangan dan kemudahan. Juga keiritannya. Dan tentu saja kecepatan dan kebersihannya. Pokoknya semuanya serba plus dan plus.

  19. Aku baru sekali naik MRT ini, itupun pas masih gratis duluuuu banget 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Pengem sih cobain lagi, tapi belum ada planning ke daerah sana. Berdoa semoga rutenya akan makin dekat ke Jaktim ya mba.

    Btw, loooove the service👍👍. Gitu doooong, dan semoga aja semua stasiun nya semakin ramah ke pengguna kursi roda, kayak di jepang .

  20. Ah seru banget deh main di Jakarta naik MRT. Salah satu wishlist-ku nih naik MRT kalo ke Jakarta. Hahaha, semoga bisa secepetnya main ke Jakarta. Pengennya sama anak-anak juga. :D

  21. serunya mak keliling pakai mrt
    kemarin pas di jakarta rencana emang mau nyoba mrt eeeh ga jadi ke krl lagi, tapi mrt keren ya ramah diasbilitas jadi bisa nyobain


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