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Selasa, 19 Juli 2022


Tebu hotel - Bandung

Oh dear, it's been more than half year but I haven't finish my blog post on my trip to Bandung *sighed* Okay this time, I would like to give quick review about the three stars hotel there. 

First of all, when my friend and I were planning to go to Bandung, we decided that we need to be honest to each other. Here goes, our consideration before finally choose the hotel:

- I don't have the luxury like unlimited BUDGET. I told my friend about that. I gave her the specific range, how much I would like to spend for the accomodation. 

Why is this important? When your friend has unlimited budget or the other way around (in short, just as limited as mine), then your friend will know what to expect. Staying in a 5 stars hotel or probably guest house, everything should be discussed together. 

- What kind of hotel or inn or guest house? There are so many places to stay, we need to take a closer look. 

Just a place to rest for a night? 

A place to rest and also take lots of photos for social media?

A place to rest, to have breakfast and take lots of photos?

Since we both agree that we only need a place to sleep at night, the next thing we should think is....

- Where would be the location? Related with the budget, what kind of hotel, we want the hotel to be in the middle of the city. Or, to be near with cafes and restaurant so we don't need to use public transportation. I suggested to stay at Hummingbird hotel, the same place I stay in the year 2019. But my friend declined, she wanted both of us to stay in a hotel, that we both never visited before. 

Finally I asked a friend of mine, who worked in Bandung. He suggested to stay at Tebu Hotel here. And after checking how much we would spent and the location, both me and my friend agree to stay here. 


Hotel Tebu - Bandung

Since we were planning to go to cafes and restaurants around here, we decided not to have breakfast in this hotel. We booked the hotel around 2 months before departure date to Bandung. And last year, the corona pandemic still have high rates. We were sort of preparing ourselves if the situation gone bad and need to cancel this staycation. But I haven't prepared myself to go alone again, and a bit worry when my friend told me she's not feeling well. I was like, oh no... The hotel has been booked and we couldn't cancel. I also has bought ticket to travel there, and can't be cancelled. I started to think, oh what the heck... I suppose I have to go there alone. Again. Thankfully, my friend recovered and told me she's well and ready to go.

As per my previous posts, we spent the first hours in Bandung here: 

De.U Coffee


Two Cents. 

And second day we visited here:


Otten Coffee 

Merindu Canteen & Coffee

The funny thing was, we thought this hotel still far away from Two Cents and we called taxi only to find out that only a few minutes walk. Yes, you may kill us then...  This hotel also not far from the one we visited : 

Bellamie Boulangerie 

Here goes...
A view from Tebu Hotel

It didn't take long for the check in process, perhaps not so many people stay during weekdays. And we just love the view from our room. It's not bad for IDR 360.000,- per night, I would say. 

And I forgot to take photo of our room. My bad. In short, since this is a three stars hotel, there is no refrigerator. They do provide two bottles of mineral water and two sachets of instant coffee along with the electric kettle. 

They also provide enough towels for two persons, tiny soap for washing your hand  (well, one night stay, then what do you expect?) Again, toiletries is enough for us. But, better bring your own. 

The air conditioner working just fine, and in the end, we decided to turn it off. Probably because the weather in Bandung already cold at night, so what's the point of using air con?

After take a bit of rest and hot shower, we started to walk to Cihapit street. There is this noodle restaurant that looks so interesting on social media. So, we wish to check it out. Plus, our friend said he was going to meet us there after office hour. And we visit these two:

Tjo Kin noodle

Cokin if I'm correct, is an old skool slang languange, means chinese people in Indonesia. I don't know if they name this noodle shop because the owner is Chinese Indonesian. But anyway, they have information that their meals contain no pork nor lard. 

Coffee Milk from Kopi toko Djawa and chicken noodle and meatballs

The meal, to be honest just so so. We prefer their spices, their chili is making our appetite escalate. Probably because we got this holiday euphoria but, we enjoy our visit. The place it self, not too big but very colorful, and actually Instagramable. But since there were quite a lot visitors, I didn't take too many photos of the surrounding. 

Oh, we just found out that the noodle shop is under the same group with Kopi Toko Djawa. And they sell the coffee milk in a bottle, so I bought one, thinking will be good for breakfast tomorrow morning. 
The location is a bit further, compare with Two Cents coffee shop. But no worries, we managed to arrive there on foot, safe and sound.  



It's only a few steps away from Bakmie Tjo Kin, and the place totally old school. Maybe I can call it a vintage coffee shop. No sofas, no comfort seat where people order 1 drink and sit for hours (yes, that's me). This is like old time coffee shop, only table and benches. However, did I mention that they have wifi for visitors here? 

Cikuto best beverages: milk tea

It turn out, this place not only sell coffee or milk tea or just beverages. 

Trikuto's snacks

They also sell various traditional snacks and crackers. If I'm not remembering that we still have others places to go, probably I will be happy just to sit there and grab more snacks.. And my friend and I end up buying a few....

Snacks we bought at Trikuto

Okay, I finally finish the culinary spots on Cihapit street. There are a lot more on that street, but naturally we have our limitation. To tell you the truth, I don't mind visiting Trikuto again, as when we were there, they were renovating the back part of the shop. Wondering, whether they have bigger area right now. 

6 komentar:

  1. wah hotelnya nda ada kulkas kecilnya ya mba ri...kalau aku auto bulak balik minimarket biar dapet air dingin xixixi

    btw milk tea di cikuto beveragenya ngingetin aku sama butter teanya negara tibet xixiziz...enak seger keliatannya

    mie ayamnya pangsitnya maukkkkkk mba riiii...risol dan pienya juga bikin ngilerrr

    1. aku jg baru tau kl hotel bintang 3 gak menyediakan kulkas. Agak ribet sih kl kita maunya air dingin. Tapi di Bandung udah dingin loh kl malem, udah gak perlu air dingin lagi, IMHO.
      Hahaha, kalau liat foto makanan, mau semua ya... Lagi mampir ke blog kamu jg gituuuh... kita saling mengompori nih buat makan :)

    2. bener beud...aku jadi kangen ngebandung lagi..apa daya kalau ke bandung cuma sakjek saknyet dan bentaran doang dalam rangka kondangan hahahha...

      oiya kemarin aku vaca mba ria katanya mau kirim buku second ke aku..aku mau sih hehehe...aku barusan email mba ria...ongkirnya bisa kutransfer via gopaykah? Tapi jumay ini aku ke solo lagi kira kira ke jawa tengah sampai senin depan mba ri...

  2. Aku tau nih hotelnya. Tapi kebalikan dari mba, mau sedingin apapun udaranya, AC buatku wajib 🤣🤣. Malah ga bisa tidur kalo ga pake.

    Eh bakmi tjo kin ini biasa aja Yaa rasanya? Soalnya ada temenku yg bilang uenaaak banget, wajib coba dan dia selalu bawa pulang juga ke JKT. Tapi aku sendiri blm cobain mba 😁😄. Udah niat sih kalo ke Bandung. Tapi Krn dibilang B aja, jujurnya jadi ga prioritasku lagi wkwkwkkwkwk. Cuma penasaran Ama bakso gorengnya.

    Jangankan mba, aku aja sampe skr cerita ttg Bali Maret kemarin blm semua di tulis 🤣🤣. Trus lagi yg Medan, Sibolga dan Takengon hahahahahaha. Ntah kapan selesainya 🤣🤣

  3. Pemandangan dari hotelnya cakep juga. Jadi kangen Bandung.

  4. wahh baru bulan agustus kemaren wak ke bandung., seru kann ;p


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