Blog berisi curhatan si lajang

Jumat, 10 Juni 2022


Cafe hopping in Bandung was definitely on our list during our short staycation in Bandung. Here are the list so far that I manage to write down in this blog:  

De.U Coffee


Two Cents


Otten Coffee 


Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

And now, we finally visit the Instagramable coffee shop and restaurant at Merindu. Merindu in English is miss. Maybe their wish that all visitors will miss going back to this canteen and coffee. .

Well, that sort of true for me and my friend. We visited here last November 2021 and love the ambiance there. Early in the morning, we visited Tjimanoek 43 and for the second stop, we decided this would be the one. This canteen is on one location with The House Tour Hotel - DOWNTOWN, and we were sort of thinking should we stay here or not? But, we chose other but located not far from jalan Riau; which is the main tourist attraction all there. I will tell you about the hotel later. 

This hotel and canteen is a bit hidden from the main street. They don't have many spacious area, so this is probably going to be a problem if you bring your own car. All rooms seems located at second floor. The kitchen also located on second floor along with indoor and outdoor and semi outdoor area for dine in.


In front of The House Tour Hotel and Merindu Canteen & Coffee

Though we are not guests of this hotel, we can have a cup of coffee and dine in here, so no worries.  And I was like, oh no wonder they are ready to serve Indonesian meal (I mean with rice and all that), as they also have to cater breakfast for the hotel's guests.  No wonder they are open very early, as they also need to cater breakfast for those who staying at the hotel.

Breakfast at Merindu Canteen and Coffee

We went there in the morning, my friend order her breakfast : Nasi Rames Jando while me, I just ordered a cup of hot latte. I like the hot latte, the coffee not too strong, and it suit my stomach just fine. My friends also loves her breakfast. Jando if I'm not mistaken is cow's fat. Becareful not to mix with janda as it means widow for women in Indonesian. If you see food's sign stated Janda Soup, it was actually abbreviation from Jawa Sunda. Both Jawa and Sunda are ethnic groups in Indonesia. But, hey... I have talked out of the topic too much already. 

Second floor, another indoor area

Now, for those of you OOTD photo lovers, here are several spots that I think you will like:
Entrance door to Merindu Canteen & Coffee

1. The Entrance area
Many photos were taken from the entrance. My friend and I have our breakfast here, at the outdoor area near the entrance door. Thanks God, the sky was clear and no rain at all. 

From here, goes straight to the entrance door, you will be greet by the staff. They will ask what do you want to order and where would you like to be seated. 

Semi outdoor area at second floor Merindu Canteen & Coffee

2. The semi outdoor area
Since I went here early in the morning, I would say this is also a good spot to enjoy your breakfast. You can see what's going on below while sipping your coffee. 

Outdoor area at second floor Merindu Canteen & Coffee

3. Outdoor area at second floor

IMHO, nice for taking photos but not for dine in. Or not for long chit chat after dine in with more than 1 friends. 

My favorite spot for taking pics at Merindu Canteen & Coffee

4. Hidden outdoor area

IMHO, this area also nice for chit chat while sipping your coffee. Probably people who smokes also love to sit here, so better come early in the morning. 

Mother cat at Merindu Canteen and Coffee

Surprisingly, when we were there, we got company by the above cat. She doesn't bother us or anything and seems to enjoy our attention to her. 

If you wish to go there, better check out this map. 

4 komentar:

  1. Bandung in two word, classic and romantic. Hemm, selalu jadi kota impian yang wajb dikunjungi apalagi buat orang sastra, suasana Bandung ga pernah gagal buat dituliskan lewat kata-kata. It's so adorable, spot foto instagramable banget kafenya. Thanks for sharing!

    1. betul, memang gak pernah bikin bosen dehhh jalan2 ke Bandung itu. Hawanya juga adem ya, jadi bikin sering laper eh, maksudnya bikin kalem juga.

  2. Demi apa aku baru tahu kepanjangan sup janda sebagai Jawa Sunda 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Aku pikir yg mula2 bikin memang seorang janda 😂

    Ini beneran kafe kopi di sana buanyaaak banget ya mba 😄😅. Sampe bingung mau milih mana yg enak. Cakep2 semua lagi tempatnya. Ntah kapan nih pak suami mau diajak pagi ke Bandung. Dia ga kuat macetnya. Tapi kalo kesana naik kereta, kepikir transport mau kemana2 😂. Galau memang

    1. memang sih lbh enak bawa mobil sendiri ya. Tapi kl males macet, mending pake kendaraan online atau rent a car aja gimana? Aku juga pas ke sana memilih cuti 2 hari deh, biar lebih enak aja nongkrongnya. Itupun ternyata, pas sudah siang, ealah tempatnya teteup aja rame. Hahahha


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