Blog berisi curhatan si lajang

Kamis, 23 Juni 2022


Bellamie Boulangerie Bandung

When you are traveling, prepare not only budget but also a very big and elastic stomach to contain all those delicious food and coffee along the way. You know, I didn't remember this restaurant on our long wish list. The reason, not because they gives bad services or bad food, but simply because it wasn't new. Many people who loves to go to Bandung know about this restaurant. However, on that night, before going back to the hotel, my friend decided to go there and get some pastries. There is nothing more fun to talk all night long with your friend accompanied by pastries. Plus, we were about to meet another friend who worked in Bandung.

Previously we have our early dinner... that seems going to be dinner round 1:

Cihapit culinary

Indoor area at 1st floor Bellamie Boulangerie

When we got there, the place already packed with people although still maintain safe distance to each other. Then we take a peek at their pastries, gelato, and my friend said the bread and dark chocolate cookies here are so recommended for me to try. You can check their pastries and all your need for dessert on the first floor. Since we were not planning to dine in, both of us decided to find seat also on first floor. They have another area at second floor, but it was packed with visitors. After we found our seat, the waiter approached us and give the menu. 

Bellamie Boulangerie dinner

GONE all those wishes to get just pastry... I looked at their menus and started to browse it longer than I should. A few minutes later our friend arrived, and all of us decided to have dinner together. 

Other post on cafes that we have visited:

De.U Coffee


Two Cents


Otten Coffee 

Merindu Canteen & Coffee

After we have a bit of chit chat, ordered hot tea, checking out the menu again, thinking about how many calories. And considering that we could count this meal a second round. So we were like, should we order this...? This one looks so yummy, but isn't it a bit late to have this? After going back and fro for a couple of times, here were the meal that we ordered:

Bellamie Boulangerie Croissant with mushroom sauce and beef

My friend ordered Croissant with mushroom sauce and beef with potato wedges. As you can see the portion is big enough for two people. I took a dip of the mushroom sauce and soo delicious. To be honest, I was tempted to order this one, but decided to have another. Not to worry, the calories are more or less the same. 

Bellamie Boulangerie spaghetti bolognaise

Whenever I went out with my friend, usually I end up ordering noodle or pasta. Because they are my comfort food, and the taste won't be that bad. So, I decided to have spaghetti bolognaise and no longer surprise to see the portion after seeing my friend's sandwich. I was thinking to have dessert but I have no more space inside my stomach. 

Bellamie Boulangerie fried rice sea food

We have sandwich, pasta in large portion, well...obviously when my friend ordered fried rice seafood...we were no longer shock. My friend just sighed because he just went back from the gym. Like all that exercises were demolished at this moment. And then he muttering, no wonder he gained weight a lot while working in Bandung. I can understand that... I probably will end up the same, considering there are many restaurants and coffee shops scattered around in this city. 

Indoor area first floor at Bellamie Boulangerie

The restaurant close on 10 P.M., so we were the very last visitors there. I didn't take too many photos, as the 2nd floor already closed when there were no visitors left. I would love to come back here again, if I have the chance. I want to see the view from the second floor. 

Here is the detail of their location:
Bellamie Boulangerie
Jl. Cihapit No.35, Cihapit, 
Kec. Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, 
Jawa Barat 40114

10 komentar:

  1. hwaaaaa ada beef sama mushroom dan croissant....lempar sini ke aku mba ri hihihi..mupeng parah....

    pengen ke bandung agak lamaan...masih nyari waktu yang bandung cuma buat kondangan jadinya sebentar banget hwahahha

    1. aku juga jarang pake banget kok kemana2 (halah curcol), ini pas aku bisa dan ada temen juga yg bs bareng. Sama2 doyan makan, jadilah nginep semalem aja, yang dicari selalu tempat makan :)

  2. Aku tuh kurang jalan2 kalo ke Bandung. Padahal kalo mau usaha dikit, banyak bgt cafe yg bagus2 gini yaaaa.

    Ngiler banget liat croissant dll nya mbaaaa. Ntah kapanlah ini bisa ke Bandung. Suami udah mikir macetnya duluan makanya jrg mau kesana 🤣

    1. aku sama temen perginya memang sengaja pas weekday. Teler sih pas besoknya balik ngantor ya :)))) Tapi worth it banget buat kami berdua yang memang hobi makan. Dan temenku pinter bikin list. Dicari tempat makan yang tinggal menggelinding, eh udah smp ke tempat berikutnya :)))

  3. croissant kenapa selalu menggoda gitu ya kak.

    gimana sih rasanya jadi penunjung terakhir kak? Udah sepi bgt ya pasti

    1. Tepatnya pengunjung yang terakhir keluar :))))... Enaknya udah sepi, gak enaknya : jangan2 pegawainya sudah pada sebel karena kami masih ngobroool aja gak kelar2

  4. duh, Croissant with mushroom sauce and beef bikin ngiler banget :9 jadi pengen langsung trip ke Bandung nih

    1. cuss langsung berangkat atuh, dan siap2 pulang jadi nambah beberapa cm lingkaran perutnya :)

  5. Duh, jadi ngiler liatnya, apalagi liat croissant with mushroom sauce and beef nya, auto laper

    1. yang croissant itu memang paling juara dari penampakan dan rasanya... Ngeliat lagi aja skrg jg jd auto laper


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