Blog berisi curhatan si lajang

Senin, 25 April 2022


Two Cents - second floor

When my friend suggested to cafe hopping here, I was a bit indecisive. I have been there two years ago, so I would rather visit other coffee shop or restaurant. HOWEVER, when I check out their Instagram account...immediately I changed my mind. They have moved to another location and looks awesome. With old house and big tree in front of their coffee shop, that would be awesome place to visit. Okay, not going to lie, for taking photos too... assuming I still have energy left. 

The others are :

 DE. U Coffee 


Tjimanoek43 Koffie and Meals

Merindu Canteen & Coffee


Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

Otten Coffee Robot Barista 

entrance to 2 Cents Coffee

So, there we were...a bit confuse with the location. The map said that we are on the site but where is the coffee shop? It turn out, the small alley is the entrance and we sort of missed that. We thought the coffee shop easily spot on from the street but was actually a bit hidden. This I think will create a problem to those visitors bringing their own cars even motorcycles. You will have to ask around where the convenience location for parking. 

Seatings near the 2 Cents entrance

The above photo taken from the other side of this entrance. There were other visitors so, I couldn't take clear photo. Yes, this coffee shop already full with visitors when we arrived. We arrived around 13.00 and surprise to see many people there. Gone all my wishes to take photos like crazy in this place. We almost didn't get any seat as most of them full already. And don't know why but the second floor closed for visitors. Though they allowed us to take a peek and took several photos there. One of the photos taken at the second floor is the first picture on this post.  

Welcome to 2 Cents Bandung

The above photo was taken minutes after we passed the entrance. As you can see, too many people already. I felt lazy already to take more photos since there were too many visitors already. This is also why we foodies prefer to visit coffee shop or restaurant early in the morning. We could roam the place and not to worry about bothering other visitors. Since I have lost interest in taking photos, we decided to find a seat and order something.

Sinfully delicious chocolate cake at 2 Cents

At first, I didn't want to order anything, as my belly still full with pastry and desserts from DE. U CoffeeAnd then, I spotted the price for Sinful Chocolate cake and again... in that instance I changed my mind. The price only Rp 25.000,- while a slice like that in Jakarta could be around Rp 50.000,- and even more. Okay, kill me because I was easily persuaded by lower price. I ordered hot chamomile tea (I request additional hot water once) and my friend ordered hot orange honey latte macchiato. And we talked for hours before finally went to our hotel which is actually not very far. But we will come to that later on. In short, if you are chocolate lover like me, then this chocolate cake is a must order. Not too sweet, so not to worry about the sugar amount. 

Indoor area at 2 Cents first floor

I noticed that they let all windows open at their indoor area both on first and second floor. So, yes though you may escape the heat of the sun but not going to get really cold inside. I think probably due to pandemic, they decided to let the windows opened, to have better air circulation. 

2 Cents down below

I took the above photo from their second floor. Many people come and go, and the outdoor area still manage to contain them. This is also probably why they close the second floor. Thankfully, they allowed me and my friend to check the premise for a while. 

Outdoor area 2 cents, a bit hot in here

We were about to sit here, but at the very last minute change our mind. Why on earth sitting outside when you could have seat under the roof, and still located outdoor? 

Another outdoor area at Two Cents

This outdoor area located not far from the restroom. It was also full when we just got here. I took this photo before we finally end our visit here. We loves our visit, the cake is delicious, not mind to order something else but my stomach already screamed. The staffs are helpful and nice as well to us. We probably going to visit here again someday. 

If you wish to go there, this is the map

5 komentar:

  1. Hampir di semua tempat skrg udah banyak banget tempat nongki kaya gini ya kak, tinggal pilih aja suasana atau menunya, hihihi karena kebanyakan byk yg numpang buat kerja juga kan.

    1. Iya, sekarang makin banyak pilihan. Jd memang pengunjung dimanjakan sama suasananya juga. Ada yg bawa kerjaan, meeting, bikin PR smp diskusi kelompok pun bisa di coffee shop

  2. Cake nyaaa bikin ngiler pecinta cokelat kayak akuuuu huhuuuuuu mau mau mau 🥺

    1. kuenya enak loh, aku jg kepingin deh makan itu lagi


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