Blog berisi curhatan si lajang

Rabu, 27 April 2022


Tjimanoek 43

Another coffee shop that open early in the morning, and they are ready to serve you not only coffee but also breakfast. So, if you happen to be in Bandung on vacation, a bit tired after morning walk then this is one of those coffee shops that you should visit. 

Others coffee and eateries are:



Two Cents


Otten Coffee 

Merindu Canteen & Coffee

Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

Entrance to Tjimanoek 43

The only problem, the toilet is not open yet if you dine in here early in the morning. It seems the coffee shop is a business joint with bicycle shop. And the restroom located inside that shop. Since we were there very early, the bicycle shop still close. 

Sitting at their terrace - Tjimanoek 43

Other than that, the ambiance is so great, imagine that you are in the middle of the city and enjoying your hot coffee. While sipping your coffee, you could hear the bird chirping above you. And the morning wind caress your body, and give that cool sensation. 

Semi outdoor area, at the very corner of Tjimanoek 43

When we got here, we took quite a long walk from our hotel. Yes, this was the next day on our arrival, mind you. The walk wasn't that long but become longer as sometimes we stop to check out several coffee shops and restaurant. AND... those street vendors, ready to serve you for breakfast. Porridge, rice, noodle, you name it you got it. And we have to keep moving on, try to ignore the smell from their cooking...calling us to stop by. 

Our seating at Tjimanoek 43

Finally, we managed to arrive at Tjimanoek Coffee. Not surprisingly, there are others visitors beat us, they were waiting by their parked motorcycle. We noticed the sign, urging visitors to visit their coffee shop by foot or bicycle or motorcycle. They don't have spacious area for parking cars. I got information that if you bring your own car then you will need valet service to park your car. Around 07.30 we were allowed to enter the coffee shop. But of course, we decided to take photos as many as we can. 

Outdoor area at Tjimanoek 43

Their location in actually in the middle of the city, but a bit hidden from the main street. Sort of secluded area (but not really, since...the location is in the city, right?),  only people passing by or motorcycles. Probably because they located inside housing complex, so the environment is a bit private. Again about Bandung that I really like since ages ago, before social media era, that they preserve old buildings. Most owners seems prefer to keep the old buildings, probably renovated the old house a bit here and there. It was totally different with those old buildings in Jakarta. Most of them are destroyed and demolished, changed to new buildings. I like that old house has that small terrace for people sitting there in the morning or afternoon. Enjoying their me time, whether together with family or just themselves. Now, owners seems quick to learn that people loves hanging out with their acquaintances, so they use the old houses for coffee shops. Does this one also like that? I have no idea, since I didn't ask their staff. But, this is I'm sure a lovely house for people to live in. 

Can you guess which one is my order at Tjimanoek?

Anyway, for breakfast I just ordered hot chocolate, while my friend ordered bread filled with corn and mozzarella cheese along with coffee milk aka mocktail coffee. I loves the latte art on my hot chocolate, and love the taste too. And my friends also enjoying her breakfast. Their service is good, though I can't hardly imagine one will be so grumpy in the morning. 

If you wish to visit here, preferably early in the morning and avoid weekend at any cost :)

6 komentar:

  1. kebayang lumer itu roti isi jagung keju mozarella...aku jadi pengen ngopi cantik juga nih.. #aduh nongki sambil menikmati semilir angin pagi bikin pengen liburan terus #buru buru bikin kopi sachetan

    btw art latte nya emang cantik

    1. ahahaha, sambil menunggu liburan tiba, bikin kopi sachetan dulu lah ya... Iya nih, sarapannya si temen memang menggoda bingits... dan suasananya juga bikin betah

  2. Aku LBH tertarik yg ini mba, dibanding kafe kopi sebelumnya. Ngeliat tempatnya LBH hijau, dan rotinya bikin ngiler 😄😄. Sukaaa Ama tempatnya juga. Naah akupun LBH suka renovate dikit aja kalo punya old house begitu. Jangan dihancurin total trus bangun baru , sayang banget....

    1. iya, dan tempatnya di dalam kompleks perumahan, jadi letaknya ngumpet lah. Tp teteup aja, aku lebih menyarankan datang ke sini pagi2 biar lebih dapat suasananya... dan bikin tambah selera makannya :)

  3. Never thought there's a coffee shop opens early in the morning. The shop looks so environmentalist, oh how do i put it in word kkkk... Btw,i thought your friend ordered kue pancong Kak 😄. Never been in Bandung but would love to hang out to many coffee shops you've recommended

    1. Well actually I wish I can go to Surabaya too someday. Hopefully we can meet up there. Or maybe we can meet up in Jakarta. There are a lot coffee shops in Bandung. Just depends which one and what kind you wish to go... NOOO, my friend didn't order kue pancong, hahahahha


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