Blog berisi curhatan si lajang

Kamis, 28 April 2022


Pastry at Kumari Bake and Brew

This pastry shop was actually the very place that my friend wish to visit on our arrival in Bandung. Unfortunately for us, at that time they closed due to stock checking and internal control. They informed my friend that the shop would be opened around noon. DARN... In the end, we both decided that we would visit before going home to Jakarta. The location is not too far from the travel car anyway. And we did just that and really regretted that this was our final destination. 

Here are the list that I have posted :

De.U Coffee


Two Cents


Otten Coffee 

Merindu Canteen & Coffee

Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

Kumari Bake and Brew Bandung

Oh if only this was our first stop. BECAUSE THERE ARE SO MANY CAKES! And bread, and cake, and bread and cake...with affordable price. I didn't have energy to take lots of photos because the place itself is not very spacious and already too many visitors there. 

Outdoor area Kumari Bake and Brew

Though pastry shop a bit hidden from the main street but their location at three-way junction, the shop is at the corner. A bit difficult if you bring your own car, as they don't have spacious area for parking. Lucky for me and my friends who took us there, we still got enough space for parking. 

Indoor area at Kumari

They have semi outdoor area at the front, and once you enter you will find another semi outdoor area as well. There is one closed room full with air condition and yes, we got lucky again. We got the seat inside that room, not far from the window. So, we could still watching the situation outside, noticing whether the rain is about to pour or otherwise. Of course they also have outdoor area which I can imagine we would avoid it if heavy rain pouring down. 

Delicious and yummy pastries at Kumari

We ordered pastries and beverages (please don't ask which one). None of us ordered coffee as our stomach is full already. 

From Kumari to Jakarta

To bring something back home, I ordered two sinfully chocolate cake, apple crumble and brownies. IF ONLY I BOUGHT MORE!!! The prices are far below comparing with those in Jakarta. 

Their location at:

8 komentar:

  1. brownisnya kelihatan tebel dan dark...mupeng mba ri crumble juga enakk...aku jadi pengen ngebandung lagi euy

    1. Kudu dehhh ke sini, seriusan... emang enak dan harga2nya affordable (kalau dibandingkan sama harga2 di Jakarta sih)

  2. Oh my God, i'm reading and thinking the calories inside. Keliatan enak semuaaa huhu pasti aku makan semua deh kalo di sana. Biasanya abis liat postingan makanan aku langsung buka IG akun kuliner kotaku, atau grab wkwkkw hufty

    1. when you are on holiday, better not thinking about calories... hahahaha... And yes, their pastry is so good... I wish I bought more of them... and have more calories .... :)

  3. Semi outdoor areanya unik ya kak, bawahnya batu2 kecil gitu ada akar pula, tapi outdoornya juga cantik.

    dan yang jelas cakenya menggoda banget

    1. cakenya memang menggoda, dan harganya affordable dibandingkan dengan harga2 kue di Jakarta. Makanya temenku sampai borong banyak...

  4. Aku kangen Bandung ih 😍😍. Dulu sebelum oandemi msh sering kesana, tapiiii sayangnya jarang jelajah mba. Bandung itu buatku tempat mager di Lembang, jadi jarang turun ke bawah, dan Krn alasan macet, males kluar hahahahha. Makanya ga gitu tau tempat1 hits dan ngopi2 😅. Giliran liat cerita temen2 LGS pengen deh 😄

    1. ahahha, aku memang doyan makan sama doyan foto. Jadi sebelum ke Bandung, sama teman browsing abis2an, tempat mana yang asik buat didatangin. Suka banget sama pastry2nya di Bandung. Kayaknya lain kali bukan nyari tempat ngopi, tapi pastry and dessert


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