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Rabu, 20 April 2022


KIN+ Coffee & Eatery

Another quick post about my short getaway in Bandung last November with my friend. Other posts you can find them (in English and other in Indonesian)

De. U Coffee

Two Cents 

Tjimanoek43 Koffie and Meals

Merindu Canteen & Coffee


Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

Otten Coffee Robot Barista

After my friend and I spent our first morning in Bandung, at almost 12.00 PM we decided is time to move on to another cafe. And next on our list, is Kin+ ; which is not too far from our hotel. When we arrived, thankfully there was only 1-2 visitors inside. It means, my friend and I could take photos like crazy. If you ever visit this eatery, then you should take a picture in front of their iconic entrance gate. And no, the first photo above is not their entrance gate.

Entrance gate of KIN+

If you are wondering that the first reason I want to visit this coffee shop is because look so Instagramable, yes, you have gotten to know me very well. Indeed, that is my first reason to visit this coffee shop. As you can see the above photo, the entrance is so awesome, a must take photo, IMHO. 

Relaxing at KIN+ Bandung

Another reason that holiday vibes is strong here. I haven't been in Bali for ages, and this coffee shop is the closest thing to feel that Bali's ambiance. This is the closest thing for me to feel that holiday vibes again. But, in Bandung that vibe is always there... though not so sure if I live there permanently. I mean, does the feeling still the same? That will take another pondering post next time. 

latte and something sweet for both of us at KIN+

This coffee shop and eatery have semi outdoor area along with indoor area. And yes, we chose indoor area again, to enjoy our chit chat and meal. We ordered latte along with pastry and... caramel fried banana and wow, the portion is big enough for the two of us. 


And another one for dessert, and we love this ALMOST TRANSPARENT :) It's made from Japanese transparent jelly, we loves how they jiggle, look so cute. 

Semi outdoor area at KIN+

Bandung is not as hot as Jakarta, in fact the weather usually cool and most of the time is cold at night. So, eatery with semi outdoor areas like this is of course enjoyable. As you can see, you can even bring your work, you can charge your mobile device while dining here. The coffee shop is not really big, so I can image they tends to get crowded during weekend. 

Here is the location if you wish to come here someday,

5 komentar:

  1. Ehemm liat makanan jam segini jadi lapar, apalagi liat pemandangan kafenya jadi pengin ke sana. Di bandung memang selalu kegiatan klasik dan aestethic gini, ya, jadi pengin. Keren dan mewah juga tempatnya.

    1. Bandung memang aura liburannya kenceng banget deh... Gak tau ya kalau jadi penduduk di sana, mungkin malah dianggap biasa aja :)

  2. Aghhhhh kok lucuuuuu sih. Dari beberapa coffe shops yg mba tulis, aku suka KIN+ inii. Apalagi liat menu almost transparent nya šŸ˜šŸ˜. Kalo foto2 mah, you know lah, aku memang ga suka hahahaha. Jadi ttp mentingin minuman dan makanannya šŸ˜„

    1. nah, kalau gitu simpen deh as your wishlist kedai ngopi yg satu ini. Kalau gak salah ada menu makan berat juga sih. Ada tempat ngadem di area indoor :)


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