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Jumat, 22 Oktober 2021

5 Casual-Chic Motivational Outfits for When You’re Working from Home


Source pic from here

When working from home, it can often be challenging to think about wearing something other than sweatpants. But, getting yourself dressed and ready for work can help with early morning motivation and keep you going through the day. This article describes five outfits that look great, have a balance between being casual and work-appropriate, and can help you face the day of working from home.

Outfit 1

Simple top: Choose a plain, light color, such as white or cream. Short or long sleeves can be used. I recommend an open collar.

Comfy jeans: You’ll see me mention these a lot! They feel almost like sweatpants, but they look a bit more appropriate for work.

Wool clogs: These are SO comfy and great for wearing around the house.

Outfit 2

Ribbed turtleneck: Again, I like a neutral color for this. I also recommend wearing one with vertical stripes as they match the rest of the outfit (and look slimming!)

Blazer: An open blazer over your turtleneck looks great. Maybe go for a brown or tan color to match the shoes (see below).

High-rise jeans: Match the color with your turtleneck to help create a flow through your outfit.

Tan pumps: I love this color on shoes! Choose a lower heel for comfort in your house.

Outfit 3

Fresh shirt: Button-up shirt without a pattern. Again, I like light colors for my tops and shirts, but you can be more adventurous if you like!

Comfy jeans: Here they are again! Your jeans can be tighter than other pants, but it’s important that you have a bit of flex to allow you to stay comfortable.

Short boots: Ankle boots with a flat heel. I’d go for dark brown or black.

Long cardigan: This is an optional extra for if it gets cold in your home office (or dining room, if you’re anything like me when working at home!)

Outfit 4

Floral top: This is the first outfit in which I’ve suggested a top that isn’t plain, but a floral design goes great with the rest of this look.

Sweater blazer: For a work style that isn’t quite as formal as a full-on pants suit, go for a blazer made from sweater material.

High-rise jeans: Use the same color as your blazer. You could wear smart pants instead if you prefer.

Stylish pumps: You can afford to have a bit more of a heel with this outfit.

Outfit 5

Fine-knit sweater: This outfit is better for a colder day. Choose a sweater with a bit of bagginess.

Skinny jeans: To contrast the looseness of the sweater, try some light-wash skinny jeans.

Fluffy boots: The ultimate in cozy footwear for working from home!

If you have anymore ideas, feel free to talk about it by commenting this post. Looking forward to hear more from you all. 

5 komentar:

  1. Ini sih kadang bingung sama nama-nama baju, bedain cardigans dan blazer masih bingung. Apalagi jas sama blazer sampai pusing sendiri, akhirnya tahu walau terdengar asing setidaknya kalau beli gak keliru nantinya. Terima kasih, Mbak.

  2. Waaaaw, aku tepuk tangan sih, kalo WFH tetep rapi jali begitu 🀣. Aku masih sempet ngerasain wfh pas pandemi sebelum resign. Pakaianku? Ofkors baju tidur πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Laah zoom nya aja ga perlu oncam kok πŸ˜….

    Saluuut dengan orang2 yg tetep rapi dan office look walo wfh :D. Tapi memang ada beberapa posisi yg tetep mewajibkan gitu sih ya. Akukan dulu bagian operation, jadi saat wfh, ga mentingin stiap saat zoom dan online meeting. :)

  3. 1,3,4 sukaaaak kayaknya

    floral top ini kelihatan bikin feminim
    kardigan simple dan elegan

    jeans ini comfort zone ku banget hihihi

  4. Aku sempat WFH 2 minggu, dan selalu pakai daster kak hahhaha, pakaian paling nyaman ga ada tandingan kalau di rumah pokoknya, kalau butuh oncam aku pakai blazer aja kelar, yg ditongolin mukanya doang, baju ga perlu keliatan hahaha

  5. Kayaknya kalo lebih rapi, bisa ningkatin semangat kerja juga dari rumah.

    Walau kemarin saat zoom tetap aja pake baju yang ada aja. 🀣


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