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Kamis, 15 April 2021

How to Take Care of Your Feet over Long Distances

Foot health is important for mobility and comfort, but most of us only use our feet for walking or running over relatively short distances. If you’re hiking or rucking over a longer distance, on the other hand, you’ll need to take some additional steps to keep your feet in top condition.

In this article, we’ll go over three powerful tips that will help you stay comfortable and avoid injuries while on a long-distance hike or ruck. Make sure to take a look at our catalog of women's supportive sneakers if you’re looking for a new pair for your next adventure.

Break Your Shoes in Beforehand

It’s always exciting to pick up a new pair of hiking shoes or boots before an excursion, but it’s also important to remember to break them in before leaving. You don’t want to start the process of breaking in shoes at the beginning of a new adventure.

First, wear your new shoes around the house or in your neighborhood to gradually break them in. This will also give you the opportunity to optimize the fit and find the perfect pair of socks. Over time, you’ll be able to wear them over longer distances without experiencing any discomfort.

Wear Two Pairs of Socks

A single pair of socks might be enough for shorter hikes, but doubling up comes with a number of benefits. You’ll avoid blisters, eliminate moisture, and give yourself an additional layer of cushioning to protect your feet from shocks.

The first pair of socks should be relatively thin—it’s mostly there to minimize friction. You can use a thicker sock for the outer layer, but remember to avoid cotton and other materials that can trap moisture. Consider wearing both pairs inside out in order to keep uncomfortable seams away from your feet.

Clip Your Toenails Straight

If you’re in the habit of clipping your toenails in a rounded shape, you could be contributing to your own discomfort. Clipping them across in a straight line will reduce the risk of infection, ingrown toenails, and other complications.

When preparing for a longer hike, make sure to use a clipper that’s designed for toenails rather than fingernails. Fingernail clippers typically come with a more rounded shape that can make it difficult to clip straight across.

Getting your feet ready for a hike isn’t exactly fun, but it’s a lot better than noticing problems when you’re already on the trail. These tips will help you keep your feet dry and comfortable throughout your adventure. 

8 komentar:

  1. aku juga kalau pake sepatu selalu prefer pake kaus kaki, sepatu modis juga ga hanya kets mba ri hihi...soalnya anget..tapi ya itu memang kalau sering pake kaos kaki harus rajin juga cucinya dan ga ditaruh di dalem sepatunya xixi..biar meminimalisir lembab

    btw aku baru tau bagian cara memotong kuku kaki juga mempengaruhi kenyamanan bersepatu juga��

    1. iya sih, tapi dulu aku pernah salah pakai kaos kaki. Cuma sepasang, jadi lembab dan kakiku jadi bauuu... kasian deh temen sekamarku pas jalan2 :( Ternyata mesti pakai 2 dan ada triknya. Yg potong kuku akyu juga baru tauuuu

  2. Kalo sepatu aku wajiiib juga pake kaos kaki mba.

    Makany yaaa aku ga suka beli sepatu kantor, yg ujungnya lancip tertutup. Krn ga mungkin pake kaos kaki. Bisa aja siiih kalo pake celana panjang, jd kaos kakinya ketutup. Tp kalo pake rok span, ya kan lucu.

    Makanya aku jrg beli sepatu tertutup kalo kantor. Mending yg ada bukaan , jd kalo ga pake kaos kaki, ga kuatir kaki bau dan lembab.

    Cm khusus sneakers, aku ga mau kalo ga pake kaoskaki. Ga nyaman bgt. Cm biasanya aku cukup pake 1 sih.

    Aku pake kaos kaki berlapis2 itu kalo sdg traveling ke tempat winter :p. Biar kaki anget

    1. Aku termasuk yg sering gak pakai kaoskaki kalau sedang pakai sneaker. Tapi banyakan sih aku pakai, cuma baru tahu juga kalau harus coba pakai 2 pasang sekaligus. Jadi ingat dulu, pas pakai kaoskaki malah kaki jd lembab :) SEDIH deh... mungkin sepatunya yg cocok sama sekitarnya saat itu

  3. Ternyata potongan kuku kaki berpengaruh juga ya Mbak untuk kegiatan trekking.
    Makasih buat infonya Mbak. 👍

    1. Yes, aku juga baru ngeh akan masalah ini. seperti pakai kaos kaki double juga, dan sepatu baru sebaiknya digunakan bbrp kali dulu sblm trekking. Sama2 belajar lah

  4. Dulu aku tim yg selalu pakai kaos kaki, wlpn sepatu fantovel formal wkwkwk, tp skrg udah ga, pakai sneakers tanpa kaos kaki pun skrg aku nyaman, dengan catatan pakai sepatu dalam waktu singkat aja yang ga banyak jalan kaki, kalau ga ya wajib pakai kaos kaki.

    1. kl pakai sepatu utk ke kantor, aku lbh suka pakai kaos kaki. Dan bener, kl aktivitas jalan kakinya tinggi, aku jg mendingan pakai kaos kaki dah


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