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Kamis, 11 Februari 2021

Another episode of Oversized Shirt

I was in the mood to get rid of old clothes and planning to sell a few of them online. But most of them are not suitable to be sold as second hands clothes. Well, it's still okay to wear them, you know sometimes the older your clothes, you feel more comfortable wearing it. In the end, I failed to clean up and only able to get rid a few of them. I gave several old clothes to other people, found several of them still okay to be sold on online market. I also found several my late dad's shirts, and naturally most of them are oversize for me.

But, in the spirit of cleaning up my room, get rid of old clothes and try not to buy new clothes again, I decided to try to mix and match those old oversize shirts. 

Knot oversized tee or shirt

When I found my late dad old shirt, I decided to try to mix match with skinny jeans. The oversized shirt tied into a crop top.

However, I have to tied it over and over again so is a bit irritating. In short, my first try out with the oversized shirt a bit failed. Next time I probably will try to wear it with high-waisted, baggy trousers. But I should think how not to let the tie loosen up again and again.

From just a shirt to a skirt

I'm just making that up, but yes if you dare enough, just wear it as it is. Or mix it with shorts or better with legging, if you use public transportation regularly. Due to pandemic, we are advised to wear outift that covered most of our body. Unless, something crappy happened like you get wet under the heavy rain, and you get on the commuter line soaking wet. Okay, this is another topic for another time...

Shirt with skirt

Well, if you don't feel comfortable just wearing oversized shirt only (or with shorts), then try wearing it with skirt. 

Since I'm into casual style, most of the time, I always mixing my outfit with sneakers. I think the above outfit is best with boots, but I rarely wear it nowadays. 

Mixing it up with culotte

So far, this is the only combination that I have tried. Aside from mixing it up with another type of outfit, I think we also need to consider about the color. And which one of the outfit that we want people to look at first.  

Okay, so far I only try with only few combination. If you have any suggestion about oversized shirt, what should I mix match with, then please drop your comment below. I would love to hear your opinion and ideas. 

3 komentar:

  1. Jujurnya aku ga terlalu jago mix and match. Jd biasanya bajuku ya begitu2 aja. Kalo kemeja gombrong gitu, paling aman ya aku paduin Ama legging ato celana lurus juga mba :D.

    1. Samalah kita :) pakemnya memang gitu sik. Kalau atasan longgar, yg bawah mesti ngepas badan. Atau sebaliknya. Tapi ada juga sih yg lolos2 aja pake longgar dua2nya :)

  2. aku suka yang foto rie pas banget dengan padu padan denim dan juga oversized shirt...jadi kelihatan santayyyy


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