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Kamis, 24 Desember 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

Well, we are finally here after 9 months trying to survive from this pandemic and naturally for facing so many crazy people.

If I have to do a quick recap about year 2020, is probably the year that I will never ever forget. But not in the good way. 

During the year 2020, I have received news about departing member of relatives, both from my mom's and my dad's. But the most devastated news that I have received was the departed of my friend: Indah. Indah was also the member of writing community : Kampung Fiksi. I got the chance to know Indah through Korean drama mailing list. Yes, it was around 2002 probably, most of online community using Yahoo mailinglist to communicate one another. We talked through email and then finally met up offline, and our friendship went on since that day.

But like everything else in this life, we have miscommunication, and then not talk to one another for years. Not until recently, we finally talked again, through another friend in our writing community. I even decided to make a video call to her, and we chat for a while. I was going to call again, but then she seemed to drawback again... then I got the news that she has departed. I didn't get the chance to see her again for the last time, I didn't get the chance to say goodbye, I can't even go to her funeral due to this pandemic. I regret not having the chance to pay attention to her more. Instead, I was too busy with so not important things like dealing with toxic people.

And then, comes this month of December and we end up can't celebrate Christmas like before. The danger of corona virus, I can't bring my mom to the church. We are not a very religious people, but we find comfort by going to the church. Especially during the time like this. Well, we want so many things in this life but not all of them are going to happen.

I can only be thankful, that I still able to wake up every morning, still have a job, able to kiss my mom's forehead everyday, surrounded by loving friends, and still able to go out once in a while. Probably this is the very meaning of Christmas. It's to be with your family and friends, and keep them close in your heart and mind. 

Gereja KOINONIA December 2019

Merry Christmas to you all... May we all be blessed with health and joy and love...and peace...

2 komentar:

  1. Ikut sedih ya mbaaa, Ama kehilangan indah. Semoga Indah sudah tenang dan damai di sisi Nya.

    2020 memang bukan THN yg enak utk diinget. Sebisa mungkin aku pun pgn ngelupain THN ini. Tapi biar gimana, Krn pandemi juga, kita jd LBH award dgn yg namanya kebersihan dan pntingnya kesehatan . Jujur ya, kalo pandemi ini ga terjadi, mungkin aku msh sembarangan soal bersih2, pentingnya Cuci tangan, minum suplemen dan LBH teratur dlm hidup demi imun tubuh yg kuat. Jd sejelek apapun THN ini, masih adalah sedikit positif yg bisa aku ambil setidaknya :D.

    Semoga 2021 jadi jauh LBH baik ya mba... Semangaat mba ria ;)

    1. harus diakui, kl gak gara2 pandemik, aku gak bakal gerak badan setiap bangun pagi di hari2 kerja. Karena sekarang masuk siang, jadi punya waktu untuk stretching sama gerak badan dikit lah tiap pagi. Memang ada positifnya, jadi sering cuci tangan, dan lebih perhatian sama kesehatan. Tapi sepertinya lebih banyak kenangan buruk yg ingin segera dilupakan, kalau buat aku. Semoga kita bisa melaluinya ya :)


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