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Kamis, 05 November 2020

To Read and To Write

When my friend told me about 30 days writing challenge, I suddenly remember all those washed away dreams a few years ago. Well, you see, I thought I have the thing to become a great writer...perhaps like JKR (yeah, right)... But of course, in the end, I realized like to read and write doesn't mean automatically I can be a good writer. To be great writer, there is a very long process and winding road and so on, and it turn out, I don't have what it takes to be one.

Okay, so the point of this blog post, though become a writer is out of the question, one should not stop to read and write. Well, we actually do that daily without realizing it, right? We post our status to several social media, from just wanna say what a lovely morning you end up grumbling 300 words about traffic jam and people who refuse to wear mask on the street. Then during lunch, you scroll your social media account to read other people rant or tweet or photos. All activity involve read and write, though unfortunately some of us too lazy to read. Nowadays, me included. 

However, if you consider yourself to blog, then you need to know the following:


Yes darling, to write means at the very least you need to obtain information from various sources. READ and obtain information is different with copy paste, mind you.

I found I have to read several websites if I want to post about something, like places that I have visited, or food that I have eaten while traveling. Often, due to limited of time, we just know the name of the food or places, without digging any further. ALTHOUGH, if you go by tour and being accompanied by tour guide, they could give you information that is not well known to others.

In short, you need to read.

Photos taken in the year 2014 at Baron beach.

Find Information

Which is lead back to read, again. You can find most about everything on the net. Sometimes, I'm not even sure writing the right phrases or even words. Therefore, I try to find information about it. Is cappuccino or capucino or cappucinno? Which one is the correct word? After that, how to make cappuccino or what kind of drink is cappuccino? 

So, anyone who to said that writing is easy... hmmm, is it?

Time consuming.

Join 30 days writing challenge means you need to spare lots of time to sit down, think about what things you are going to write... Do you have enough information? 

Even when I blog about coffee shops that I have visited, coffee that I have sipped, how kind is the waiter, or just blogging about me winning a giveaway contest... I have to think how to put things that I have seen and felt into phrases. 

Do you have spare time? Would you like to spare time to write (including read)?

So far this is all I can think about, how about you? 

6 komentar:

  1. 30 hari menulis. Wow..

    Nulis sekali sebulan aja masih belum bisa. Hahaha...

    Keren kak!

    1. gak kereeen, wong saya berhenti di hari ke 10 :)))))))))

  2. Setuju banget Mbak.
    Saya pun sebelum menulis tentang destinasi yang udah saya kunjungi tetap mencari informasi tambahan melalui membaca.
    Terkadang alamat lengkapnya atau cara penulisannya yang benar seperti apa.

    1. iya, jadi yg bilang menulis itu gampang, ingin ku timpuk... susah tauuuuk, nyari kata2nya..., belum lagi cari informasi dan baca betul2 sumber informasi agar tidak salah kutip. Karena kita jadi pemberi informasi buat orang lain juga kan

  3. Kalau aku udah pasti ga sanggup ikutan 30 days writing challenge deh kak, nulis pengalaman hidup yang ga perluu baca2 untuk cari informasi aja ga sanggup, apalagi kalau suruh review hahahha.

    Menulis di blog ga semudah nulis di buku diary atau update status di WhatsApp hahaha

  4. Tiap hari aku slalu ada jdwal utk membaca mba, 3 jam sehari minimal :). Tapi Krn membaca buatku hobi, jd 3 jam itupun kadang kurang , apalagi kalo buku yg dibaca menarik banget :). Kalo utk menulis, aku usahakan tiap hari, tp terkadang susah sih. At least menulis di caption medsos lah :). Kalo blog memang udh aku jdwalin seminggu sekali sejak udh resign :).

    Menulis atopun membaca, keduanya berhubungan sih yaa. Ga bisa dilakuin salah satu aja. Menulis doang tanpa membaca, isinya bakal kosong, ga berjiwa.

    Membaca doang tanpa menulis, ya ilang ilmunya :p.


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