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Senin, 19 Juni 2017

#jalanjalanbabel Part 6 Temple of Kwan-Im Goddess Belitung

Cloud upon Goddess Kwan-Im temple in Belitung

The weather was gloomy when we arrived at Kwan-Im temple, the biggest and the oldest temple here in the province of Belitung. I read that this temple was first found in the year 1747. To enter this temple, you have to climb 86 stairs. I am pretty sure you will be able to climb all stairs up to the top. There are three places of prayer here: Shimunyo, Sitiyamuni, and Kon Im. Red is the dominated color here in this temple. Many people from around Indonesia and abroad visited this temple, especially during the Chinese New Year

Inside the temple, obviously one of the praying rooms 

When you are in this temple, you will have the chance to see views of Mount Bird Bath (don't ask me why they named the place like that) located behind this temple. Unfortunately, due to limited of time we didn't go there at all. There is also this big statue of Kwan-Im Goddess, but it seems they have this kind of renovation during our visit. So, we didn't take many photos there.

Behind me the big statue of Kwan-im Goddess

If we visit here during Chinese New Year or another event like Vesak Day, big chances we won't be able to look around. Many pepole come here to pray, as it is said their prayers granted. If you are not here to pray and just for a visit, make sure to take off your shoes or sandals before entering the temple. And don't make too much noise because after all this is a place for people to pray. No monkeys on sight when we visited there, but there are many dogs at that time. No worries, these dogs are friendly and it seems they are used to get food from visitors. 

All this information I recap from these following sites :

Here are notes of my trip though most of them are in Indonesian :

Kuliner Bangka hari kedua
Kuliner Bangka hari pertama
Hotel Novotel Bangka
Hari terakhir di Belitung
Kuliner di Belitung
Ahok Village
Laskar Pelangi dan Suvenir Belitung
Pulau-pulau Belitung day 2
Jalan-jalan BaBel day 1
BW Suite Belitung
Batik Cap Bangka

Here is the map, if you planing to visit this place on your own. 

2 komentar:

  1. Aku ga kesini nih pas ke belitung :( .. Waktunya ga sempet. Kurang lama memang waktu k belitung dulu

  2. Belum pernah ke Belitung, pengen deh..


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