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Minggu, 14 Februari 2016

Dorotea Gale - The Creator

We have talked about products of Dorotea Gale and now surely we should talk about people behind this production. And without further ado, here is the interview with the woman behind Dorotea Gale productions: Dewi Christina

Hi Dewi :) Thanks for doing this interview with me. So, tell me about yourself?

I was born in Spain and grew up in a small city there. My dad is Indonesian so I started travelling between the two countries when I was five years old. I haven’t stopped since then. I studied Social Work and completed my studies in Santiago de Chile and Madrid, where I had a Master’s degree in Community Social Work. I also spent a few months in India studying and practicing yoga right before coming to live in Indonesia. 
While I was living in Jakarta I studied Fashion Design and fell in love with traditional Indonesian textiles. I started a personal blog about them just to write down all what I was learning about them and the Indonesian culture, which I find incredibly rich. I realized then that there are many people sharing that same interest, after all the Spanish-speaking community is pretty big!

When did you actually decide that this is the line of work that you would love to do in your life?

I love traditional Indonesian textiles so I love everything related to them. The techniques, meanings and stories they have behind are incredibly interesting for me. It’s also a way to show appreciation for my own roots. Bringing together both my European and Asian backgrounds into the designs and trying to bring both cultures closer is something meaningful to me.

Did you start this business by yourself?

I started Dorotea Gale by myself. That means that I learnt a lot about many different things: business, finances, marketing, photography, production… Luckily I’m a person who likes being constantly learning new things.

Do you have partners to do this business?

I had a partner who joined me for almost a year, but she left a few months ago to start working on her own personal projects. 

How many staffs do you have?

I work with a few workshops and suppliers and I have people who help me from time to time.  I don’t think about them as my staff or employees, they are just good people I work with. I’m pretty picky and it’s not always easy to find the right people to work with, so I’m very happy with all the people I’m currently working with.

Are you planning to expand this business, like getting new partner or something?

Dorotea Gale is already growing slowly but steadily. Having a new partner it’s a possibility if it happens in a natural way, but I’m not planning to look for a new partner in the near future.

What do you like while in the process of doing this business… and what things that you don’t like? 

I love sourcing the textiles and learning about them. The colours, the motifs, the origin… The story they are telling. I enjoy designing and developing new products too, choosing the right materials and making mock-ups. I’m also a sewaholic, so I enjoy every minute I spend in front of the sewing machine.
I also love when people don’t know about the textiles and I get to explain the different techniques to them. People are always very impressed! It makes me look as an expert but, believe me, I’m not. It’s just because the knowledge is not as spread as it should, even among Indonesian people.

Among the things I like the least are finances and accounting tasks. Maths were never my thing!

What do you hope for Dorotea Gale in the long future?

I hope Dorotea Gale can continue showcasing traditional Indonesian textiles to the world. Apart from Bali, Indonesia is a practically unknown country with a very rich culture, incredible artisans and amazing places to visit. Dorotea Gale is a good way to show all of that through traditional textiles.

Again, thanks for having this interview with me and good to know you Dewi and may your hope for Dorotea Gale comes true.

P.s. Happy Valentine day to you all... And yes, there is Valentine Promo so check them out right now ^_^

9 komentar:

  1. Inspiring story. Thanks for sharing Ria! ^__^

  2. Karyanya indonesia bgt y mb ria, wahhhhh moga makin mendunia deh prodak doroteanya

    1. Lah yg bikin ini orangnya tinggal di Jakarta dek

  3. wah wah, produknya punya karakter pasti banyak peminatnya nih

    salam kenal saya dari BLOGger Medan

  4. Makin penasaran dengan produk ini :D


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