This is also another post from my now close blog. About why people like to read Harry Potter a lot. Isn’t that a book for children? It is about magic, right? Why do you like to read something about witchcraft rather than reading something religious like the Bible (since I am a Christian).
Well, I can give thousand of reasons why I like to read that book. But the main things are probably because is the story that will take me to a fantasy land and of course because I identified myself with one of the character, that is…, well not Hermione. I am definitely not that smart. Most certain not with Harry as I do not have the strength that he has. No, I think more or less like Ron.
Why? Hmmm, hopefully I can give a bit of description about Ron correctly. Let me see. Ron came from a family with large members but not rich. He felt the pressure to become more or like his older brothers. The older two are doing successfully with their careers. And the twin brothers that he have always manages to attract attention by their jokes or behavior. Ron felt that he could not do any of those. And then he met with Harry. The boy who lived. The famous boy all around the wizarding world. And to make the matter worst, Harry is good with quiditch game, often have something that he can not talk about with Ron, make him feel like a doormath sometimes. He also likes to complain a lot, being grumpy when things does not suit him and often act first without thinking.
Oh, I am not like Ron. I am the only child at home. My parents never give me pressure to be number 1 at school. Probably because they knew already that I am a dork. But sometimes, people came up to me and sort of give me look; my she is so different with her pretty mother. Oh, she is not like her parents. And believe it or not, I always get pretty friends in school. Wondering why sometimes the reason they are okay to hang out with me. But even so, is enough to make me feel so ugly like ugly duckling. The difference is, the ugly duckling turn out to be a swann. I am turn out to be nothing more than just an ugly duckling. Plus, I suddenly feel that right now I am changing to become a grumpy person. Complain almost about everything. Give up things easily. Get bored so quickly.
The differences between me and Ron is that he still has the courage to stand by and support Harry even that jeopardize his own life. I am not sure that I have that courage. To be with my friends, believing them and support them always.
Anyway, back to the reason why I like Harry Potter. Like I told before, the reason is because this book force our wild imagination to work. Can you imagine a moving painting and photographs? As if the person inside is still alive and able communicate with you? As if your body may decay but your spirit lives on.
And then since the wizards and witches barely knew about the modern technology, the only sources that they can dig when information badly needed is through books and books. You can not just log on and put the key words and let the internet search them for you. You will have to read the books carefully until you found the things that you are looking for. Or how about the bus for wizards? The so-called dementor, goblin, elf (sadly all elves in Harry Potter are all ugly not like the elves in LOTR), the strange animals like Hippogriff or Thestral. Not to mention about the game called Quiditch It is totally a new game. Probably like basket ball combined with soft ball and perhaps with soccer as well? No idea. But before the movies came out, we have to think hard what kind of game is that, and all other weird stuffs in the story.
And last but not least, it is the way JRK teach the children that doing good to anyone no matter how useless that it seems, will granted us good things as well in the future. We will never be sorry that we have given away our kindness towards other people. You read that, you know that is true, but you did not get the feeling that you are being lectured.
So, the last one, do I dream being a witch? Well, no matter how fun is that sound, I think being able to do magic will probably best to stay in my fantasy only. I can not imagine that I can manage such a great of power. And by the way, I do not think by reading Harry Potter will make me a terrible sinner. I still worship our Lord above. And I do believe, that there is no higher power than His in this world.
Just appreciated that book as the work of art and the writer willing to take years before it finally becoming a book. Salute to the hard work.
Satupun harry potter blum baca bukunya aku mb ria, keburu pnasaran ama visualisasinya (film)
BalasHapusKayaknya klo baca bukunya lebih amazing ya, karena imajinasi tidak terbatas
hahaha, tergantung kok... Dulu2 aku juga sempet malas baca HarPot tapi akhirnya ketagihan :D
Hapusaku suka nontonnya tapi gak mau baca..tebel bangettttt bukunya *ngantukan anaknya
BalasHapusmungkin buku ini bukan seleraa kamu aja kali...
HapusAku pernah baca bukunya 1 doang, pinjem ke taman baca. Lebih suka liat filmnya. :D
BalasHapuslebih seru liat visualisasinya ya
HapusOMG, harry potter itu salah satu buku yg paling aku favoritin... ga bnyk buku yg bisa bikin aku tergila2, bahkan sampe berkali2 baca... cuma ada segelintir doang. salah satunya harry potter.. bahkan bukunya JK Rowling yg lain, yg pake nama samaran Robert Galbraith, g ada yg bikin aku suka bgt kyk harpot. cndrung bosenin malah...
BalasHapusdi harpot sendiri, idolaku malah draco malfoy loh ;p hahahaha, itu sejak nonton filmnya, dan aku suka bgt ama aktor yg meranin si tom felton :D.. muka2 bad boy gitu memang slalu menarik perhatian :D
kl Robert itu memang khusus cerita detektif... jadi kl genre detektif bukan favorit kamu pasti bakal bosen :)
HapusHarpot memang jadi buku yg fenomenal dan gak bosen utk dibaca ulang buat yg suka kayak kita...
Hahahah, Tom Felton itu memang keren... Tapi tokoh favorit gue tetap Ron... Gue gampang attract sama tokoh yg walau kadang ngeselin tapi sangat loyal ke teman dan keluarga