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Rabu, 25 November 2015

Tricky Tagging

So here I am, like to take photos of myself (I think we all know that by now) and naturally photos of all my friends. And naturally, after taking those pictures with great efforts I certainly want to upload them on social media. And then, my friends will need (well, at least I think they need to) information that the photo of us together has been uploaded. And to do that, why not use the tagging function on Facebook? It is easier right? Right?


Once an acquaintance of mine was totally upset she even took the time to give me lecture about how I have to respect other people's privacy. Not everybody like to be tagged on social media and let the whole wide world know about their personal details and so on. It was a very long lecture. Obviously, I get the message...right?

Nope. Again.

Of course, I carefully avoid tagging her on social media for worry she is going to explode again. I thought she exaggerated the privacy thingy. I still think that everybody would love to be tagged. And why the heck not?

But now I grew up (older to be exact) and start to realize that not everybody like to have their photo uploaded on social media. So, I was about to post on how fun and great for me to meet my online friends in person. But to post that I have to upload any photo of me with them. And then I remembered how angry my acquaintance was about that and therefore I decided to ask through Facebook. And got few responses

1. Those who doesn't mind being tagged as long as they all looking gorgeous. If not, then preferably don't tag them or not upload the photo to begin with.

2. Those who doesn't like to take selfie and therefore prefer not to be tagged. And that means if you want to tag them then make sure you have their permission.

Bunda 3F

This one is a bit cryptic 

3. The one who knows that they have to ask permission before upload photos to social media.

Her Blog

4. The one who just realized (like me) that yeah some people prefer not to be tagged or better don't upload the photo at all costs.

Her Blog

5. Just give me her LOL

Her blog 

6. And then the last category are those who doesn't mind at all being tagged by others and even offer to send me their most gorgeous looking photos.... Some of them are aware and others a bit surprise about different preferencies of other people about having their photos uploaded and being tagged.

Her Blog

Her Blog

Her Blog

For you Arini, I have an old photo of us... no worry... I will tag you later on Facebook :)

Her Blog

And this is me with her :)

Her Blog

Her Blog

Her Blog

Her Blog

Thanks all for the comments and for your permission to let all your comments and details be posted here ^_^

29 komentar:

  1. Kita blm pernah ketemu ya mba. Kalo saya sih kayanya ga keberatan kalo ada foto saya sama teman diapload gitu asal tidak disalahgunakan aja :)

    1. siapa tau udah pernah di acara yg sama tp gak ngeh... :)

  2. Wah udah tayang, bisa modus numpang narsis di blog yang kece ini. Wekeke
    Kalau aku termasuk yg dengan senang hati di tag, kalau di sebuah foto ada sayanya. ;)

  3. Waaahhh ada komenkuuuu. Hahaha. Aku termasuk yang ga terlalu suka foto kecuali rame2. Itu pun ga merasa nyaman kalau di tag. Kecuali aku suka fotonya *ehhh hahaha

    1. wakakakakak, kalau begitu mestinya masuk kategori nomor 1 ya :)))))

  4. Huahahahhaha habisnya kemarin aku ngakak sihhh baca status Mbak.."hari gini nggak mau ditag? Haloo? XD"

    1. hari gene masih banyak kok yg gak mau Ajen... masalahnya tinggal ngomong baek2 atau ngamuk2... :)))))

  5. Hihiiii klo pas posenya oke gpp kali ya wakakaaa..bener juga klo pas ga oke mending dikasi stiker biar pd pnasaran huahahaa

    1. kita blm kesampean foto bareng jd blm bisa pasang sticker :))))

  6. akuuu akuu photo aku manaa... aku seneng2 aja di tag ^_^

    1. huahahahah, kita blm sempet foto berdua padahal udah sering nongol di event yg sama :)))))

  7. I love our pic! :*
    Btw I really don't mind my pic is uploaded by someone I know and befriended on the socmed. But, when it comes to my son, before uploading it I need to give my permission. I'm pretty strict about my son's presence in socmed :)

    1. Yeah, rhis is the only good pic that we have :)))
      I agree about uploading photo of your kid and other children that cross my path... I and all of us need to ask permission from the parents

  8. Gara-gara statusmu, Mbak, aku jadi tau karakter orang yang lain lagi. Kalau di sini sih memang ada yang begitu, tapi memang keliatan ya, dari penampilannya juga. Mereka orang Mesir, yang notabene berjilbab lebar dan memegang teguh ajaran agama. FB-nya juga kita bisa tahu, nggak ada foto2 dia sama sekali. Foto anak2nya dan suaminya sih ada. Boleh foto bareng sama dia tapi jangan diaplot di FB. Nah, kalau yg begini mah jelas ya.

    Tapi kalau yang sama2 orang Indonesia, tapi penampilannya biasa2 aja, kok kayaknya ngartis banget gitu ya :D :D :D

    Anyway, kapan kita ketemuuuuuu? >_____<

    1. kalau ada kesempatan pasti bisa ketemuan suatu hari nanti...
      Gue bikin postingan ini sebenarnya mau bikin yang lain terus mendadak inget pernah disemprot sama seseorang krn main tagging dirinya di foto yg gue upload. Memang sebenarnya bisa dicegah kalau gak suka di tag kan ada settingan... tapi yah begitulah...

  9. Jadi pingin ketemu Mbak Ria deh .... Tahunya cuma di blog.

  10. Mbak Ria, klo kita ketemu, aku minta poto, tp jgn masukin ke blog heheh

    1. Bwahahahahah, gak mau ah... seperti kata Imelda, ntar menuh2in SD card doang ... *kidding*

  11. aku belum pernah bertemu kalian! Ria, GE dan Winda! Kapan doooong.
    Thank you sudah dipasang link ke blogku :D

  12. Saya setuju sama komentarnya Mbak Arini. You can't control people but you can control what you want. Makanya saya pasang pilihan approval foto di FB :)

    1. jadi mau pasang juga ah....walau kalau gue sih seneng2 aja di tag pas foto bareng :)

  13. saya termasuk yg seneng2 aja mba, ditag... syukur2 klo pas lg bagus :D

    1. huahahahahahahhaha.... masuk kategori terakhir dah :))))

  14. baru liat ini psst..haduh kemana aja :D

    (kesibukan giveaway hahahaha) :P


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