Blog berisi curhatan si lajang

Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

My Blog's Application


A few months ago, I was contacted by Boom Network, asking me whether I was interested to have application on my blog. So, the reader especially those who are too lazy to open the site from handphone or pc and to those who up to now has no interest in social media or whatsoever... this is the perfect solution. They can download the application from Playstore or Applestore and there they have it. They can read my blog's postings. And even get the chance to see all the photos that I have uploaded on Instagram and Pinterest. They may get the peek of any information that I published via my fanpage. 

And after waited for ages, now you all can have easy access to read my blog and activities on social media accounts.

If you are using android then you may click this link here

If you are using iOs then you just click this link there

So, what are you waiting for? Just download it and you won't miss any single post from my blog and my social media's accounts ^_^

28 komentar:

  1. wahhh bagus sekali mbak, kalau boleh tau android versi apa yang sudah compatible dengan aplikasi ini? *lagi nyoba download* Trmksh

    1. simpen dulu aja pertanyaan dan komen, karena akan ada lomba review ya :)

  2. Balasan
    1. thanksss... nanti ada lomba kecil2an utk aplikasi ini

  3. Solusi oke untuk blogwalk ya, mbak. Tapi bisa add komen dan reply nggak mbak?

    1. bisa kok... tinggal login via facebook lalu mulai ninggalin komen

  4. Keren amat Maaaak. Ntar aku coba download deh yaaaa

  5. That awesome, Mbak. aku pernah diemail boom tapi gak nawari bikin apps blog cuma ngajak kerjasama aja hihi.. Pantesan beberapa kali lihat blogger pada share apps blognya, keren, jadi pengen haha #latah

  6. Keren mbak. Makasih atas infonya (y)

  7. Aku nungguin lomba reviewnya aja, ah hihi.

  8. keren...makin canggih saja mak...

  9. Keren dan asli aku gaptek klo masalah gini

  10. Wah.. Salam kenal mba, senang berkunjung kemari.. Tulisannya apik..


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