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Kamis, 04 Februari 2016

Ciwidey - Trip Part Two

Last post was about my trip to Kawah Putih. Well, the trip is not over as we were still on going to Ciwidey’s areas. 

If you often read my blog, then you probably noticed that I don’t travel much. So, I hardly have any gear special for travel. Like for example, I just realize that my backpack is actually not for outdoor traveling. And if I am planning to do more traveling this year, I think I am going to need one. Tshhh… I’m just looking for an excuse to buy something new again…

Anyway, after Kawah Putih we continued our journey to Situ Patenggang. At first I was a bit confused about the name. Is it Patenggang or Patengan? I heard that the name is actually Patengan. Situ means lake, so it is Lake Patengan. But local people find it difficult to say “patengan”. So instead they said Patenggang. Since the voucher don’t cover the ticket entrance, amounting IDR 20.500,- so we paid our tour leader along with tips for the driver totally : IDR 30.500,-

Wanna buy local snacks or souvenirs?

When we got there, the weather already showing signs that within minutes rain is going to pour down on us. And with the cool weather, we all suddenly get hungry again. We simply unable to resist the temptation to local snacks like fried meatball, fried banana, fried tofu and another fried this and that. And of course, I also attracted easily to local t-shirt only at IDR 40.000,- plus bracelets and another souvenir of dreamcatcher. 

Boat to across the Patengan Lake to Romance Island

After enough with local snacks, we hurried up to catch up with the rest of the group to go to Pulau Asmara (Romance Island) or pulau Sasuka and to take a peek the famous Batu Cinta (Love Stone). The island located in the center of the lake, so obviously we need a boat. The fee per person is IDR 30.000,- or maybe it could be less if you are good at bargaining. Or bring a friend who knows how to speak Sundanese.

Naturally, you are all wondering what is the fuss about this lake? Of course there is always a local myth related to the name of this place. It is said that there is this couple, Dewi Rengganis and Ki Santang got separated. The water that fills the lake came from the tears of Dewi Rengganis for the separation. After years they look for each other, finally they met at the spot that is now recognized as Batu Cinta. The name Lake Patengan from the Sunda language: Pateangan-teangan. The meaning is: searching for each other. If you and your lover or circle this island and visit the love stone, your relationship will be everlasting. For nowadays generation, is another reason to take selfie as many as you can. Which is the main reason, I have no photo of the love stone. Too many people taking photos there for more than 5 minutes, I lost my patience. 

After a while, we continued our journey to the strawberry plantation and my imagination crushing tumbling down. The plantation is more like a garden, not very big. But naturally many of the rest of our group rushing to the strawberry little farm. They can pick the strawberry by themselves, and the amount they paid will be calculated per how many kilogram or ounces. So, there is no strawberry juice or anything else made from strawberry near the farm. It’s a bit disappointing for me. But self picking strawberry was never on my mind since the first place.  Around 6 PM we went back home to Jakarta and darn! We spent 3 hours through traffic jam around Kopo – Bandung. Then spent another almost 3 hours; since we stop at the rest area for a while before finally reaching Jakarta around 11 PM.

The Strawberry farm or garden
But overall, I love the trip and already knew it that was not going to be comfortable due to the cheap ticket as we only spent IDR 220.000,- . I’m truly looking forward for another trip like this. 

12 komentar:

  1. Selalu cinta ciwidey suasana dan udara dinginnya selalu bkn kangen

  2. Aku pikir mau cerita kawah putih, tapi ternyata situ patengan hehehe
    Dan aku suka banget ama suasaan ciwidey

  3. eh ternyata saya mah udah follow blog kerennya loch....kemaren sekalian jalan-jalan juga ke Ciwidey yang super dingin itu tuh

  4. Ngebayangin ada di sini, pasti fluku tambah parah. Mengingat tubuhku gak tahan dingin. :(

    1. minum wedang jahe... eh, nanti malah pingin ke belakang terus ya

  5. LIhat foto kebun strawberry itu, aku jadi kangen buah manis dan kecut favoritku. Udah lama menghilang dari peredaran. Muah-mudaha memang belum masuk masa panennya lagi, bukan karena ada masalah dengan para petani strawberry ini. Kangen bikin smoothie dengan bahan strawberry :)
    Anyway, suka sama foto-fotonya. Aku sendiri belum ke sini lho hihihi Kasian banget, ya.

    1. yg ini kayaknya kebun kecil aja, gak ada jualan strawberry atau semacamnya. AKu juga baru tahu sih kl kebun strawberry kan ada banyak gak cuman satu ^_^

  6. saya terakhir ke Kawah Putih puluhan thn lalu saat kulish ><

    1. saya malah baru ke sana setelah orang lain pada bosen


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